Kent Sanders

Reflections on Writing & Creativity

A Reflection on My Successes & Failures in 2014

As we head into 2015, it’s vital to look back at the past year and see where you’ve been. In this post I want to share some reflections on my life in 2014 in hopes that it will challenge you think about yours.

Photo credit: Nathan Congleton via Compfight

Photo credit: Nathan Congleton via Compfight

2014 was a good year for me. In fact, in some respects it was a great year. But it honestly could have been so much more. Here are a few thoughts on my successes, failures, and lessons learned in the past year.


Moved my website. For the previous couple of years my blog was located at Over time I felt that “brand” was a little constricting, so I migrated to my current site, This may not seem like a big “win” but moving a blog is actually a fairly time-consuming deal.

Published a book. Earlier this month ChurchMag Press released my book 30 Days of Evernote for Churches. It only took 18 years to publish my first book!

Released an online course. In March I released the Take Note System, a complete Evernote course for content creators (writers, artists, speakers, etc.). This was a huge undertaking and I learned a lot from the process. It’s not currently available for purchase because I’m creating version 2.0 of the course, which will launch in January.

Moved into a new role at work. Although I’m still Professor of Worship at St. Louis Christian College, some of my responsibilities have shifted and I’m now also the Director of Online Programs. I’ve had a lot of fun helping set up our new online degree programs. I was also privileged to take some graduate-level courses in online teaching that were essential to my new role.

Joined a mastermind group. Early in 2014 I began meeting weekly with a group of three other guys. It has been one of the most helpful things I’ve ever done. I couldn’t begin to tell you how many great ideas, and how much helpful feedback, I’ve gotten from the other members of our mastermind.


Failed to lose weight. In December 2013 I had emergency surgery to remove my gallbladder. After that I vowed to get healthier. Despite good intentions and a few false starts, I didn’t follow through on this commitment.

Took a wrong detour with a side business. This past summer I jumped into a part-time business even though I knew it didn’t align with my strengths and passions. I wasted a lot of time and energy I could have spent elsewhere. But on a positive note, I recognized it wasn’t going to be successful and made the difficult decision to quit.

Continued a podcast that wasn’t producing results. I started the Artist’s Suitcase podcast in 2013 with no clear ideas on content, and no clear strategies for growing my audience. I kept doing it well into 2014 because I didn’t have the courage to shut it down. It’s hard to admit failure and kill something you created! But when I finally made the decision to stop producing new episodes and focus on writing, it was honestly a big relief.

Didn’t change key habits. In addition to not changing my bad habits related to health, I also failed to take consistent action on two other areas I wanted to change: getting up earlier and reading a book a week.

Failed to finish my son’s treehouse. I spent the whole summer of 2011 building Ben an elaborate treehouse in our back yard. I wanted to add a second platform in an adjoining tree and a bridge connecting the two, but I let time get away from me. I had a couple of large projects at work that demanded a lot of time, but that was just an excuse. I regret not getting this done so he and his friends could play in it more.

Lessons Learned

In reflecting on 2014 I learned the importance of four key areas:

1. The importance of energy. This year I turned 40 and really began to feel the effects of not having enough energy. It affects your attitude, relationships, productivity, family life, and ultimately your success in every area. This is an area I must change this year.

2. The importance of good habits. I can’t change everything right now, but I can make small changes every day that add up to big results. As John Maxwell says, “The secret of your success is found in your daily agenda.” I’m going to put this into practice this year.

3. The importance of relationships. Of course my wife and son are the most important people in my life. But I have also made a lot of friends in the past year through my blog, mastermind, and social media. I realize that these relationships and connections are vital to my success. I truly can’t do it alone.

4. The importance of doing the next right thing. I often get paralyzed by the sheer volume of books, podcasts, and information related to blogging and online business. So many people are saying so many different things, it’s hard to know what to do next. I’m learning that the most important thing is identifying what I need to do next, and taking action.

These are some of the things I’ve learned in the past year. How about you? What have you learned from your successes and failures in 2015, and what do you plan to change in the coming year?