Kent Sanders

Reflections on Writing & Creativity

What if George Bailey Had Dared to Dream Bigger?

“It’s a Wonderful Life” is a heartwarming story of redemption that keeps our interest with a lot of twists and turns. But what if we add a twist of our own? What if George Bailey had dared to dream bigger dreams and left Bedford Falls?

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“It’s a Wonderful Life” has been my favorite movies since I was a kid. It tells the story of George Bailey, a young man with big plans who never gets to leave the small town of Bedford Falls. He is too busy taking care of others to pursue his dreams.

Over the years, we see George become frustrated and irritable. Day after day, he slaves away at the Building & Loan, a small company his father created. George feels responsible for keeping it going, even years after his father’s death.

The second half of the movie features an alternate timeline where George gets to see what Bedford Falls would have been like without him. He comes to understand that even though he never chased his own dreams, he still made a great impact on many people’s lives.

“It’s a Wonderful Life” is a feel-good movie because it reminds us that we need to help others. Sometimes we need their help as well.

But what might have happened if George Bailey had left Bedford Falls?

What might have happened if George had taken a risk, ignored other people’s expectations, and created the life he had always dreamed about?

What might have happened if George realized that he could potentially impact many more lives than just the people of Bedford Falls?

What might have happened if George understood that he wasn’t responsible for carrying on the family business? That he shouldn’t be confined to living in his father’s shadow? That he had his own life to live, with his own dreams and ambitions?

What might have happened if George realized he had been given those hopes, dreams, and talents for a reason?

Sometimes we don’t take a risk and pursue our dreams because we’re afraid of what other people might think. We’re afraid of disappointing them. We’re afraid they will think we are unrealistic or crazy.

As artists, we deal with all these emotions. We don’t create because we’re afraid, we’re unsure, we just want to fit in with everyone else.

But the trouble is that everyone else is busy living their lives in Bedford Falls. They’re waiting for someone to take the lead, show the way, buck the trends, and do what’s unexpected.

What’s that project you want to finish? Is it a book? Blog? Podcast? Article? Whatever it is, make your plan and take action.

Is there a new habit you want to establish? Is it getting healthy? Losing weight? Creating a writing routine? Learning a new instrument?

Let’s make a deal together, shall well? Let’s make 2019 the year that we dream bigger dreams and take bolder actions.

You have talent, gifts, and a purpose that is too big to be confined to just Bedford Falls.

What is your dream for 2019? I’d love to hear about it. Share in the comments!