Kent Sanders

Reflections on Writing & Creativity

Podcast: Health, Fitness, Keto & Creativity (with Jessie Conley)

This is the first week of 2019, so it’s very likely that you are thinking about changes you want to make in your life. If your goal is to get healthier, more fit, or lose weight in 2019, this episode is for you. Today’s guest shares lots of great information and inspiration to help you become the best version of yourself. It’s time to get serious about your health!

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I’m excited to share my conversation with Jessie Conley, who is a speaker, writer, podcaster, and Certified Health and Weight Loss Coach for Christian Women. You’ll learn all about several topics related to fitness and health, such as drinking more water, caffeine, the Keto diet, intermittent fasting, and more.

I asked Jessie on the show because I want to be healthier myself, and I wanted to explore some of these health-related topics. We can only be at our creative best when we feel good and have enough energy. Getting healthy is a key component of fulfilling our creative potential.

Episode Highlights

In this episode, you’ll discover:

  • Why ingredients on food labels are sometimes different on the same products between the United States and Europe.
  • Why you should vote with your dollar and buy more of what you want to see on store shelves.
  • Jessie’s health and fitness story and what led her to begin helping others.
  • The importance of drinking more water, and a few strategies for doing.
  • The benefits of the Keto diet and intermittent fasting can help you.

Key Takeaways

1. The first step to making changes in your life is to become aware of what’s in your food. Jessie mentioned why it’s important to read food labels. I admit that I don’t usually pay much attention to labels. But now that I’m aware, I’ll start paying closer attention. A good rule of thumb is that if you can’t pronounce an ingredient, it’s probably not good for you!

2. I can’t work at a higher level of creativity unless I feel good and have energy. The most important asset you own is not an instrument, a bank account, or even your natural talents. It’s your physical body. This is ultimately a spiritual issue of stewardship. We need to take care of the bodies God has given us so we can fulfill our creative potential at the highest level.

3. I need to cut down or eliminate soda and energy drinks, and consume more water. Jessie made a great point about looking for the reasons behind your behaviors. For example, why do I like energy drinks? Why do I feel so tired in the first place? Those are key questions to ask. I am definitely examining my own emotional need to have soft drinks and energy drinks. And of course, drinking more water is vital as well.
